IAPS has always being cognizant of the importance of working in the community and with the community.
Towards that, it works closely with the following state and professional organizations.
- Pharmacist Society of State of New York (PSSNY),
- Long Island Pharmacist Society (LIPS),
- Westchester Rockland Society of Pharmacists (WRPS),
- New York City Pharmacists Society (NYCPS),
- New Jersey Pharmacists Association (NJPHA),
- Garden State Pharmacy Owners association (GSPO), and
- National Association of retail Druggists (NARD),
- Italian Pharmacists Society (IPS),
- Empire Pharmacists Society of New York City,
- Export Council of Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals from India and Indian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Indian Consulate General NY,
- The Federation of Indian Associations and Bharat Vani Radio (IAPS sponsored the Health segment on this non for profit radio program)