
Continuing Education

Pharmacists and technicians will not get continuing education after 1/1/13 without a CPE Monitor number!

Act today! The system for getting CE credit is changing! The good news is that you won’t have to hold onto your paper statements of credit or track your CE credit on numerous websites any longer. The change takes place January of 2013 so register atwww.myCPEmonitor.net today to make sure your ability to get CE is problem free! The new system is the CPE Monitor and it works directly with the State Boards of Pharmacy.

Continuing pharmacy education in State of New Jersey Requirements:

Education Law requires that registered pharmacists complete continuing education. A minimum of 45 contact hours (at least 23 live) is required in each three-year registration period. As of September 1, 2003, the 45 hours required must include at least 3 credits (home study or live) of formal continuing education on strategies and techniques to reduce medication and prescription errors.Effective August 1, 2007, a section of Education Law was amended in relation to the mandatory continuing education requirement. The amendment eliminated the exemption from the ontinuing education requirement for newly licensed pharmacists during their first triennial registration period. Therefore, all pharmacists licensed on or after August 1, 2007, must meet the CE requirement during their first and future registration periods.The laws that apply to the continuing education requirements for pharmacists are found in Article 137 of New York’s Education Law.

Continuing pharmacy education in State of Connecticut

Pharmacists are required to complete fifteen (15) hours of CPE in the previous calendar year (January to December). At least five (5) of those hours must be at a live presentation. Only courses that are ACPE-, CME-,Continuing Nursing Education-, or Commission-approved are accepted. At least one (1) of the fifteen (15) credits must be related to pharmacy law.